by Beth Strathman | Jun 28, 2021 | adaptive leadership, agility, assumptions, beliefs, decision-making, leadership, learning, performance, productivity, strategy, team, values
The Learning Cycle is a simple framework used by teams to improve products and processes. It’s a cycle that includes Planning, Doing, Reviewing, and Learning from the results of projects and tasks. This basic learning cycle is useful for reviewing events and spotting...
by Beth Strathman | Aug 24, 2020 | collaboration, commitment, communication, ego, evolve, external processes, focus and priorities, goal execution, internal processes, leadership, learning, productivity, psychological safety, purpose, purpose & mission, team, team environment, trust
How does a sense of team emerge where the whole is prioritized over the individual, especially in Western cultures where the emphasis is on the individual? A team is a specific type of group where individuals come together to accomplish a shared purpose. In a team,...
by Beth Strathman | Oct 21, 2019 | collaboration, communication, corporate culture, influence, leadership, leadership skills, productivity, psychological safety, team
It’s invisible, silent — you’ll never know it’s there. But it most likely occurs on your team and will keep it from doing its best work. It is the fear of speaking up about ideas, concerns, questions, and mistakes. Twenty years of research at...
by Beth Strathman | Aug 20, 2019 | authentic, behavior, change, collaboration, communication, corporate culture, ego, employee engagement, humility, identity, innovation, leader, leadership, leadership skills, leadership training, performance, productivity, self-awareness, team
Did you know that teams rated as the “best” make more mistakes (not fewer) than others? How come? Because the better teams that make more mistakes DISCUSS them. When they do this, they can work together to reduce them. In short, these “better” teams...
by Beth Strathman | Jan 11, 2019 | corporate culture, leadership, leadership skills, leadership training, management skills, management training, productivity, strategy, team, vision
It’s easy to lose focus on the fact that your team’s work is part of a strategic plan to accomplish the company’s big picture vision and mission. You can get so caught up your own focus and tasks that you assume everyone else is automatically aware of how their work...
by Beth Strathman | Feb 22, 2017 | beliefs, leadership, productivity, self-organization, time management
Feel like you don’t have time to get around to important tasks? You might be frustrated that you are extremely busy but aren’t accomplishing the important stuff that would move your strategy forward. Underneath, you may be angry or resentful that you have to do it...