by Beth Strathman | Aug 7, 2018 | assumptions, authentic, awareness, behavior, beliefs, change, ego, evolve, leadership, leadership skills, leadership training, resilience, self-awareness, success
When was the last time you got out of your “comfort zone”? Here’s a story, from storyteller Michael Meade, about the fact that seeking safety might be costing you something: On the ancient savannas life pours forth in the form of teeming, feeding...
by Beth Strathman | Jun 25, 2018 | awareness, ego, evolve, leader, leadership, leadership skills, management skills, self-awareness
Initiations are cycles of physical or psychological separation, ordeal, and return that we encounter throughout our lives. When we fully integrate the lessons from these experiences, we develop as people and leaders. (See a previous post on initiations) However, if...
by Beth Strathman | Jun 25, 2018 | awareness, behavior, ego, evolve, leader, leadership, leadership skills, management skills, self-awareness
Have you worked for companies with similar undesirable corporate cultures? Have you tended to work with the same type of people who have characteristics that drive you crazy? It might be time to look at these patterns more closely to learn more about yourself....
by Beth Strathman | Jun 18, 2018 | corporate culture, leadership, leadership skills, leadership training, management skills, performance, tactics, team
Much institutional knowledge in companies is lost through turnover and poor communication. Such institutional information is often critical to successful operations and execution of company goals. One way to preserve and share knowledge and expertise is to actively...
by Beth Strathman | Jul 7, 2017 | awareness, behavior, beliefs, emotional intelligence, executive, leadership, leadership skills
Emotional reactivity indicates a lack of self-awareness. This includes everything from angry outbursts to quietly avoiding situations and allowing untenable situations to continue. When you are an emotionally reactive leader, people will follow orders – but out of...
by Beth Strathman | Jan 9, 2017 | leader, leadership, leadership skills, leadership training, strategy
Within months of the June 2016 investigation into a Tesla vehicle crash due to malfunctioning autopilot, CEO Elon Musk showed his commitment to Tesla Motors’ mission to “accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy”. He broke ground on a battery plant...