by Beth Strathman | May 16, 2018 | authentic, behavior, beliefs, credibility, ego, integrity, leader, leadership, purpose, self-awareness, success
In today’s world, few people embrace being known for being “weird”. Originally, however, being weird simply meant you were uniquely yourself. Our modern word, “weird”, has its roots in Norse language and mythology and evolved into the Old English word, “wyrd”,...
by Beth Strathman | Dec 19, 2017 | authentic, behavior, beliefs, communication, credibility, executive, integrity, leader, leadership, success, trust
Do you feel misunderstood by your direct reports or colleagues? Do they think you’re an ogre when you’re really fun and fair? Or maybe they think you’re a pushover when you’re really purposeful and committed. There might be a disconnect between what you intend and how...
by Beth Strathman | Mar 20, 2017 | communication, credibility, executive, leadership
I had the pleasure of interviewing communications coach Beth Noymer Levine. She graciously allowed me to share the following blog post, excerpted in part from her book, Jock Talk: 5 Communication Principles for Leaders as Exemplified by Legends of the Sports World,...
by Beth Strathman | Aug 7, 2016 | awareness, behavior, beliefs, change, commitment, credibility, ego, executive, fallibility, feedback, humility, identity, leadership, leadership skills, leadership training, learning, listening, management skills, management training, performance, performance reviews, resilience, self-awareness, vulnerability
Giving quality feedback in a respectful way can be hard. Receiving feedback in a respectful way is even harder. (Even receiving positive feedback for some is difficult.) During and after receiving negative feedback in particular, do you notice you have heightened...
by Beth Strathman | Jul 22, 2016 | credibility, ego, evolve, executive, leadership, leadership skills, leadership training, management skills, management training, self-awareness, trust
You would think that because people spend roughly 1/3 of their time at work, the workplace would be a critical venue for establishing trust. Yet, the 2016 Edelman Trust Barometer reported that only 49% of employees think CEOs are very or extremely credible. Along the...
by Beth Strathman | Jun 11, 2016 | appreciation, business, collaboration, corporate culture, credibility, leader, leadership, leadership skills, leadership training, strategy, success
Whether you were recently promoted to a leadership position for the first time, or you are a seasoned leader hired into a new company, stepping into a new role is exciting . . . and it can also be fraught with landmines and interpersonal dynamics you never dreamed of....