by Beth Strathman | Jun 18, 2019 | awareness, behavior, change, collaboration, communication, corporate culture, credibility, identity, influence, leadership, leadership skills, listening, self-awareness, values
Exerting more positive influence with others can take a lot of listening, especially with individuals and groups who appear to be at odds with you. You know your good intentions and probably see yourself in the best possible light. However, the story you tell yourself...
by Beth Strathman | Jun 17, 2019 | behavior, collaboration, communication, corporate culture, credibility, executive, leader, leadership, neuroscience, success, women in leadership
Which leadership behaviors are reinforced in your company? In particular, does your company culture recognize and reward behaviors you would describe as more “masculine” or those you would describe as more “feminine”? And maybe it’s a...
by Beth Strathman | Mar 19, 2019 | awareness, behavior, beliefs, collaboration, communication, corporate culture, delegate, ego, identity, leader, leadership, micromanaging, self-awareness, team
When you lead other people, there is no shortage of learning opportunities. After all, humans are varied and complicated, and circumstances change constantly. Factor in into the mix your own strengths, vulnerabilities, and triggers, and things get really interesting....
by Beth Strathman | Jan 11, 2019 | corporate culture, leadership, leadership skills, leadership training, management skills, management training, productivity, strategy, team, vision
It’s easy to lose focus on the fact that your team’s work is part of a strategic plan to accomplish the company’s big picture vision and mission. You can get so caught up your own focus and tasks that you assume everyone else is automatically aware of how their work...
by Beth Strathman | Jul 24, 2018 | authentic, awareness, behavior, corporate culture, leader, leadership, leadership training, management skills, self-awareness
Is it difficult for you to find the right balance between being task-focused and relationship-focused? Is it simply challenging to figure out how “nice” you need to be at work? Do you ever wonder what it really means to be a good team player? If you’ve never had these...
by Beth Strathman | Jun 18, 2018 | corporate culture, leadership, leadership skills, leadership training, management skills, performance, tactics, team
Much institutional knowledge in companies is lost through turnover and poor communication. Such institutional information is often critical to successful operations and execution of company goals. One way to preserve and share knowledge and expertise is to actively...