by Beth Strathman | Apr 10, 2019 | behavior, beliefs, boundaries, focus and priorities, identity, leadership, leadership skills, personal productivity, self-awareness, self-care, team, time management, women in leadership
You might be feeling overworked or overwhelmed because there doesn’t seem to be enough time for you to do what you want and must do. So many people want you to weigh in or work on something. So many tasks need to be accomplished now! You might feel torn in so many...
by Beth Strathman | Jan 14, 2019 | leadership, leadership skills, leadership training, management skills, management training, self-care, stress, values
A recent survey found that 66% of workers in the US struggle with finding the right work/life balance – and they aren’t all parents. With our 24/7 culture, even employees without children find it challenging to keep work and home priorities in reasonable proportions....
by Beth Strathman | Jul 19, 2012 | assumptions, behavior, beliefs, communication, confrontation, leadership, self-awareness, self-care, Uncategorized
Being the boss is tough. With all the information available on how to motivate and engage employees, without being a micro-manager or a bully, it can be a bit confusing trying to determine what exactly an effective boss is like today. A big part of becoming a good...