
How to Lead Confidently from Any Stance in Kantor’s 4 Player Model

How to Lead Confidently from Any Stance in Kantor’s 4 Player Model

Changing expectations of leadership effectiveness open up opportunities for you to lead confidently when you use your natural attributes, skills, and strengths to engage others on behalf of the team. Kantor’s 4-Player Model can help. When you lead from any stance in Kantor’s 4-Player Model, you demonstrate that there is a variety of possible ways to lead confidently, regardless of your natural communication tendencies.

How Well Do You Handle Power? Leadership of Entitlement Vs. Responsibility

How Well Do You Handle Power? Leadership of Entitlement Vs. Responsibility

What’s more important to you — the status you get from being in a leadership position or the responsibility to serve others? The quality of your leadership is shaped by whether you emphasize the status and privilege that you get from being in a leadership position...

Empathy and Emotional Intelligence: The Influence of the Feminine in the Workplace

Empathy and Emotional Intelligence: The Influence of the Feminine in the Workplace

In today’s business world, your ability to access your empathy and emotional intelligence is a must. Increasingly, the modern workplace has changed, morphing from a bastion of masculine qualities and values to giving greater value to these and other feminine...

Why You Need to Do More Systems Thinking with Your Team

Why You Need to Do More Systems Thinking with Your Team

For over 400 years, western civilization has increased its use of analytical thinking and the scientific method to explain almost everything in the natural world. By using analysis (separating a whole into its component parts), our society has greatly expanded the...

How Double-Loop Learning Will Increase Your Team’s Agility and Effectiveness

How Double-Loop Learning Will Increase Your Team’s Agility and Effectiveness

The Learning Cycle is a simple framework used by teams to improve products and processes. It’s a cycle that includes Planning, Doing, Reviewing, and Learning from the results of projects and tasks. This basic learning cycle is useful for reviewing events and spotting...
