Submit Client Testimonial
Thank you for agreeing to write a testimonial about my services. Your willingness to write a testimonial means a great deal to me. Much of my business comes through referrals, so your testimonial gives potential clients an idea of what I have done for others like you and how I am likely to work with them.
To submit your testimonial, complete the form below:
Testimonial Submission for Firebrand Consulting
Testimonial FAQ
Q: Where will the testimonial be used?
A: I use testimonials in printed marketing brochures, on my website, and social media.
Q: How long does the testimonial need to be?
A: You may write as much or as little as you wish. Usually a short paragraph is plenty.
Q: What do I include in a testimonial?
A: A good testimonial for me may include any or all of the following:
- What issue/need did you have before you hired me?
- What solutions did I provide?
- What was it like working with me before, during, and after the coaching, training, or speaking engagement?
- What benefit did you or your group get from my services? How did things turn out?
- What are some of my strengths?
- How did you feel when the engagement was completed?
Q: What about putting my testimonial on LinkedIn or Google instead?
A: That is definitely an option! If you choose to do a LinkedIn recommendation, go to my LinkedIn page and scroll to the recommendations section where you can add it. For a Google review, go to